Performance Workshop August 10

Dear AMS Singers and Pianists,
It has been an amazing journey with you over the years. We have done a lot of exciting things together, including the Sing-Along Messiah, The Fairy Queen, Bach's Magnificat and Vivaldi's Christmas Oratorio. This is not to mention the countless hours of practicing and performing that you have done.
This year many of you have decided to complete your exams in August. The practical RCM performance exams are between August 12-24, so I have arranged a workshop for Saturday, August 10th from 12-1pm.
We will hear Grade 8 Piano repertoire from Rheana Lopez, Grade 8 Voice repertoire from Maia Wiebe, Grade 6 Voice Repertoire from Anya Wiebe, and Grade 8 voice selections from Angela Li and Riley Yang. The workshop will be at my home studio in Guildford, unless it is in an estate near Campbell River Valley Park with a grand piano. I will keep you posted. The time is from 12 noon until 1pm, with a potluck lunch afterward. I will provide drinks, soup and bread, and you are welcome to bring something to share. Guests are also welcome.
I look forward to journeying with you all this summer, and saying goodbye to some of you that will be moving on to future studies.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
All My Best,
Angelina Van Dyke